
"Design gives the world something it didn't know it was missing."

Paola Antonelli

The uniquely designed pieces are part of several typologies: sculptural pieces, traditional designs and innovative themes in the context of jewelery and goldsmithing.
The design is the result of a connection between art and craftsmanship, in a fusion of knowledge and skills that culminate in jewelry with personality and full of emotions.

With the purpose of bringing color to people's lives, Tatiana Marques Jewelry seeks to acquire precious and semi-precious stones of different colors, shapes and personalities, combining them in elegant, attractive and unexpected designs, which harmoniously integrate into people's lives.

The production of made-to-order jewelry translates into personalized pieces that involve the customer's contact with the designer. An initial design is worked out to arrive at a working base that both parties are excited about

This design is then developed, and, in the final phase, the customer can choose to buy the jewel's design portfolio, which contains the entire history of the jewel, from the initial drawings to the final photographs.

In this way, after the jewelry design process, the customer is buying not only a unique, customized and high quality handmade product, but also the entire development and production history of the jewelry or set.

Each jewel is made and treated with great care and an enormous desire to contribute to customer satisfaction.